Monday, April 23, 2007

ΝΑΤΟ, Εκγληματικοτητα και Μεταναστευση...

παρχει μια συζητηση οτι υπαρχει εγκληματικοτητα εκ μερους του των λαθρομεταναστων στην Ελλαδα και στις αλλες ευρωπαικες χωρες.

Στην Ελλαδα η συζητηση αυτη περιστρεφεται γυρω απ'τους Αλβανους.

Ο νεοταξιτης πρωην αριστερος μολις ακουση την λεξη μεταναστη εκτως οτι παθαινει υστερικη νευρωση, λεει αμεσως πιο μεγαλοι απατεωνες ειναι οι ελληνες παρα οι ξενοι. Ο ακροδεξιος λεει οτι ποσοσταια οι μεταναστες κανουν πολλες βιαιοπραγιες αναλογα με τα νουμερα που ειναι εδω.

Παρακατω ειναι μερικα αρθρα απο σελιδες που δειχνουν την εγκληματικοτητα των Αλβανων στα Βαλκανια.


Albania blamed for human trafficking

Warning over Albanian gangster menace

A top government official in Albania has told the BBC organised criminal gangs from his country are specifically targeting Britain to traffick women and children for the sex trade.

Μετανάστευση και Εγκληματικότητα στην Ελλάδα (με επίσημα στοιχεία)
Ας δούμε λοιπόν την συμμετοχή των αλλοδαπών στους συλληφθέντες δράστες κάποιων βαριών εγκλημάτων κατά το 2005 όπως έχουν καταγραφεί στα στοιχεία της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας (3):

για ανθρωποκτονίες αλλοδαποί ήταν το 32% των συλληφθέντων
για βιασμούς αλλοδαποί ήταν το 34% των συλληφθέντων
για κλοπές-διαρρήξεις αλλοδαποί ήταν το 28% των συλληφθέντων
για ληστείες αλλοδαποί ήταν το 34% των συλληφθέντων και
για κλοπές τροχοφόρων αλλοδαποί ήταν το 25% των συλληφθέντων

Αλλοδαποί και εγκληματικότητα- Οι αριθμοί είναι αμείλικτοι
Αυτή ήταν η παρουσίαση 10 πινάκων από τα στατιστικά στοιχεία του Υπουργείου Δημοσίας Τάξεως για την εγκληματικότητα στην Ελλάδα στο διάστημα 1991-2003. Η αλήθεια είναι μία και είναι αυτή που δεν βλέπουν όσοι θεωρούν την ανεξέλεγκτη εισβολή και εγκατάσταση αλλοδαπών στην χώρα μας ως «θείο δώρο»: ακόμα και με τα πιο πρόσφατα στοιχεία (2003), από την αναλογία αλλοδαπών προς Έλληνες εγκληματίες, προκύπτει πως δεν υπάρχει «ενσωμάτωση» των αλλοδαπών στην κοινωνία. Είναι και θα παραμείνουν ξένο σώμα. Η «πολυπολιτισμική» λεγόμενη κοινωνία, δεν ενσωματώνει «πολιτισμούς» αλλά είναι μία χίμαιρα που διασπά τον κοινωνικό ιστό.

Albanian Sex Trafficking
A top government official in Albania has told this programme that organised criminal gangs from his country are specifically targeting Britain to traffic women and children for the sex trade. Barnie Choudhury reports:

Τι κρυβεται ομως απ'τα παραπανω ειναι ο ρολος του ΝΑΤΟ στην ολη περιοχη και των Αμερικανων. Απ'την στιγμη που εφτασαν στα Βαλκανια η εγκληματικοτητα εφτασε στα υψη και η τιμη των ναρκωτικων επεσε στο πατωμα. Πως εξυγουνται τα δυο αυτα φαινομενα? Μηπως εχουν σχεση με το γεγονος οτι να χρηματοδοτεις πολεμους χρειαζεσαι ρευστο? Οταν δεν το εχει το δημιουργεις παρανομα χωρις φορολογια και χωρις να μπαινει επισημως στα λεφτα του κρατους.

Υπαρχουν πληθωρα αρθρα στο ιντερνετ που δειχνουν οτι το ΝΑΤΟ και οι Αμερικανοι χρησιμοποιουν το Κοσοβο σαν το κεντρο του Μπρονξ. Να δημιουργουν εστιες παραστρατιωτικες, με οργανωμενες μαφιες και την δυναμη του στρατου τους για να επεκτεινουν τις επιχειρησεις και να αποδυναμωσουν καθε εθνικη χωρα με το να χτηπησουν την νεολαια με ναρκωτικα και αλλες τοξικες ουσιες για να ξεπουληθουν για μερικα ευρω στα μονοπολια και στην αμερικανοποιηση.

Ολα τα μεγαλα μουσικα συγκροτηματα απ'την Αμερικη προοθουν γκαγκστερισμο, βια, και σεξουαλικες διαστροφες μαζυ με ολα τα ειδον ναρκωτικα υπο την μανδυα του μοντερνου και του προοδευτικου.

Πως ομως δεν λενε τιποτα για το Κοσοβο οι νεοταξιτες αριστεροι και αφηνουν το λογο να τον περνουν οι ακροδεξιοι στο ζητημα της εγκληματικοτητας? Αυτο ειναι ενα ερωτημα.

Τους αφιερωνο λοιπον ενα αρθρο παρακατω

The United States Government, the US military, and US Intelligence forces have a history of being involved with drug runners, killers, and dictators the whole world over. Laos, Panama, Afghanistan, Haiti, these are but a few of the places where the US has actively worked hand in glove with Drug Armies. But almost nowhere has this been as blatant, and at the same time been as suppressed in the mainstream media, than in Kosovo.

There, the United States has basically installed into power former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an army of guerrillas, ruffians and smugglers that Robert Gelbard, US Special Envoy to Bosnia, in 1998 called 'terrorists'. While Madeleine Albright was meeting with KLA leaders at Rambouillet, Europol, the European Police Agency based in the Hague, Holland, was preparing a report for European interior, and justice officials on the connection between the KLA and Albanian drug cartels. Instead of meeting with all Kosovar-Albanian representatives, the US threw in with the one group most heavily implicated in drug trafficking, not surprisingly.

As in Afghanistan, where the US backed the muhajedeen, mostly poppy growers, and opium and hashish smugglers, more interested in protecting their trade routes and profits than in anything else, often fighting amongst one another rather than killing communists as the US desired, there have been reports in Kosovo of both Serbs, and of ethnic Kosovar-Albanian opposition party members, moderates and liberals, found with their throats slashed, or shot in the head and left on the roadside. Fingers were pointed at the KLA, and it's leadership, though little has been done to really investigate. And as with the Afghanistan Muslim guerrillas, the Iraqis and so many others, this support just may turn around and bite the US right on the ass.

On September 21st, 1999, the KLA was officially disbanded, with its former members handing an estimated 10 000 weapons over to NATO, but recent press reports suggest that both sides have retained numerous weapons. Now there is fear among the remaining Serbs that the new 'Kosovo Protection Corps', which the new NATO commander, German General Klaus Reinhardt, has promised to "keep an eye on," is really simply the KLA in a new incarnation. There have even been recent rumors that the former KLA leader Hashim Thaci would be made co-administrator, alongside UN administrator Bernard Kouchner, though the UN insists that it, and NATO, will remain in sole control, according to the 'Associated Press'. Thaci remains an influential power in the region, as do his fellow 'freedom fighters'.

In Kosovo, one can be killed for speaking the wrong language to the wrong person. Drug barons are the new economic elite. The economy is in shambles, crime and violence are the normal way of life. As in so many countries around the world, the US has had a direct hand in delivering Kosovo into the control of the drug barons.

One intelligence report by the 'German Federal Criminal Agency' indicated, "ethnic Albanians are now the most prominent group in the distribution of heroin in Western consumer countries." 75% of the heroin entering Europe is from Turkey, and most of that goes right through the Balkans, controlled mainly by ethnic Albanians in Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo. These groups hold a share of the trade in Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Belgium, and as of 1996, the yearly profits for the ethnic-Albanian drug gangs, from the Swiss market alone, reached an estimated US$3 million, a lot of money anywhere, but especially in that war-torn, decimated region of the world. Today, that amount is surely much higher.

Και οποιος εχει ωρεξη να διαβασει για τον νεο Μεσαιωνα στα Βαλκανια που εγκαινιασαν οι αμερικανοι με τα ναρκωτικα τους οπως οι Βρεττανοι στην Κινα τον 19αιωνα μια σειρα απο αθρα που εξυγουν εμπεριστατωμενα τι παιζεται...

Τωρα σκοπευουν να κανουν το ιδιο σε ολη τη Μεση Ανατολη...


Kosovo Liberation Army, Drugs and Terror
An examination of the last article, good, but brief.

Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties?
This is an official statement from the United States Senate Republican Policy Committee. Pretty harsh words from the GOP for President Clinton and his coddling of a "terrorist, drug financed army," while they conveniently forget their boy Bush's involvement with the Contras in Nicaragua.

Srpska Mreza-Serbian Network
This site won a 'Political Site of the Day' on October 14th, 1999. One sided site, pro-Serb all the way, but still some very in-depth looks at Kosovar-Albanian involvement in the drug trade, using articles from the 'New York Times', 'Washington Times', the 'International Herald Tribune', and other sources.

Kosovo Rebel's
Great article from an unbiased source apparently. Plain good reporting, covers Europol reporting on KLA/Albanian drug ties.

KLA Finances War With Heroin Sales
Jerry Seper article from the Washington Times, Rev. Moons right-wing outfit. Good information, but anything from the Times I take with a grain of salt.

Drugs 'Pouring Out Of Kosovo' Without Check
This 'Sydney Morning Herald' report (March 14th, 2000) notes that 40 percent of all heroin consumed in the US and Europe crosses Kosovo, where the US led allies handed over the country to criminal drug gangs, even knowing exactly what they were doing too. 4.5 to 5 tons of heron is handled by Kosovo gangs, every single month, and the numbers are climbing.

CIA Aided And Trained So-Called KLA
The 'Sunday Times of London' has reported (March 12th, 2000) that the CIA, with the help of 'Military Professional Resources Inc', and from 'Dyncorps', both US companies that specialize in "military training and procurement," was training the KLA before the beginning of the Kosovo-Serbia bombing campaign by NATO. The KLA, though disbanded now, has had its members heavily implicated in the drug trade.

Drug Dealers Flourish In Post War Kosovo
This report by Imer Mushkolaj (June 22nd, 2000) from the Global Beat Syndicate points out that the amount of hard drugs transiting post-war Kosovo has skyrocketed. This trend should surprise nobody, since the US State Department had labelled the Kosovar KLA as a drug financed terrorist army in 1996. Gee, they are smuggling more drugs now? What a shock! A handy scapegoat, although the Kosovars might not realize it. I believe the Kosovars who greeted our troops so enthusiastically are going to realize that, sooner or later.

The Balkans
This site is a little dated now, but still chock full of incredible details on the intricacies of the Balkan drug trade. Covers all sides, leaving no innocents anywhere in the region. Everyone has a part on this site.

Background Archives
Definitely not pro-KLA, and it shows. A vast array of articles and background information detailing KLA misdeeds and crimes, as well as other subjects too. Very scholarly, I always feel intelligent when I am at this site.

Nato Has Installed A Reign Of Terror In Kosovo
Mike Ruppert's official web-site, with a wealth of CIA drug running information!

Click Z Magazine, then check out the Diana Johnstone, and Noam Chomsky articles for some heavy duty exposure of the reasons and the lies behind the rhetoric in the war on Yugoslavia. Both sides are represented here, but mostly leans towards the "It was a bad idea to bomb," type angles.

Kososvo Mineral Wealth Motivates War
Great conspiracy driven site, with a large collection of some of the best in anti-bombing articles, with lots of KLA/drug information.

This 'National Post' article (April 13th, 2000) by Patrick Graham reports that according to the US 'Drug Enforcement Agency', Kosovar Albanians are now the second most important heroin and drug traffickers along the Balkan trade routes. "Kosovar Albanians make the perfect Mafia, even better than the Sicilians," says the vice-president of the New York-based 'International Narcotics Enforcement Agency', Marko Nickovic. The world's banks, (and the US government it seems), are addicted to drug money. They and the world's traffickers are working hand in hand to make sure that 'Drug Prohibition' continues, while at the same time, they work just as hard to create these 'free crime' zones, where the traffickers take over.

NATO In Kosovo: In Bed With A Scorpion
This Globe and Mail (Canada) article (August 9th, 2000) by Sunil Ram is a piece discussing the rampant drug running and terrorism perpetrated by the Kosovar Albanians, the ones the US and NATO went and handed a country to. Good works guys, now we have another enemy to point the finger at, and blame for our continued need for a War Against Some Drugs. Was this by design, or by ignorance? Neither possibility is a cheerful thought.

1 comment:

nomokanon said...

Dear Vangelis,
just take a look at the background of Zalmay Kalilzad, the new U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. (since April 17 of this year?!) He supported and continues to support jihadist groups (mujahedeen, taleban...) as well as the KLA. American policy is a threat to the world.
Find out more on Kalilzad and you'll have plenty of material to study. If you know any journalists, have them publish articles on him, please. Public opinion must know who sits in the Security Council.