Monday, September 29, 2008

Το Αμερικανικο Κραχ...Οικονομικο 9/11?

Το ΑΕΠ της Αμερικης αντιστοιχει σε $11 τρις.
Το Εθνικο Χρεος σε $11 τρις.
Το κρυμμενα χρεη απο $16-68τρις στο τραπεζικο συστημα

Τα $700δις που ζητησε ο Μπους τελικα δεν δοθηκαν και τα χρηματιστηρια πεφτουν στον πατω.
Ειδη αυτοκτονουν τραπεζιτες και η μια τραπεζα μετα την αλλη τα τιναζει στον αερα.

Η αποσυνδεση του πετρελαιου απ'το δολλαριο απο πολλες χωρες οδηγησε σε καθετη πτωση του Αμερικανικου δολλαριου. Τωρα οι Αμερικανοι αναγκαζονται να κυρηξουν πτωχευση να εξαφανισουν τα χρεη τους. Ζητανε απ'τους κεντρικους τραπεζιτες να υποστηριξουν το δολλαριο επ'αοριστον. Αυτοι τωρα λενε φτανει.

Υπαρχουν φημες οτι θα αναβαλλουν τοσο τις εκλογες οσο και θα κυρηξουν καποια οικονομικη δικτατορια εκτατων μετρων ενα οικονομικο 9/11.

Εδω εχουμε μια δηλωση ενος συνδικαλιστη ηγετη των μηχανικων στην Αμερικη

Just Say No!

For the last eight years, the Wizards of Wall Street have operated an international Ponzi scheme. They created a blizzard of paper derivatives, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles—which they sold to the global gurus of high finance.

The Wizards made a conscious choice to manufacture what is now non-investment grade paper rather than manufacture consumer products. And by creating and trading in commercial paper confetti, they made billions in profits for their firms and millions in bonuses for themselves.

But like all Ponzi schemes, their get-rich-fast machine ground to a halt. The lubricants—timely lower interest rates and constant infusions of liquidity by the Federal Reserve and other central bankers—dried up. And now, after eight years of global hyper-greed, an estimated 47 trillion dollars worth of worthless paper is raining down on Wall Street and the bourses of the world.

The deeper that sea of bad debt gets, the more frantic becomes their cries of rescue me. This is not an American phenomenon. Virtually every member of the G-8 is impacted by this downpour of debt-based terror.

And yet, for the last fifteen months, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury Department and their counterparts on five continents have failed repeatedly to prevent the collapse of this Ponzi scheme. Not that they havent tried. Together, the central bankers have increased liquidity by over a trillion dollars; let non-bank firms borrow at below prime rates; picked winners and losers; and consistently deprecated the true dimensions of this crisis.

Now, the same government officials who said let us handle it, we know what were doing, are saying something very different. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are running down the street shouting the vault's empty; the money's gone.

They want America's workers, businesses and taxpayers to fill the void, to purchase an undeterminable, unfathomable and unknowable amount of debt from the single largest financial failure since the South Seas Company collapsed in the 1700s.

These two George Bush appointees are demanding that Congress pass a $1,000,000,000,000 bailout package. They want the money in a small bill in the next ninety-six hours, or else.

I urge Congress to Just say, NO!

It is bad enough that Bernanke and Paulson were in cahoots with the bank robbers. But by pointing a gun at the American people and demanding more than all the gold in Fort Knox (and the New York Federal Reserve Bank), they are abetting the wildest bank robbery ever.

Make no mistake. This is a bank heist, nothing more, nothing less. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation should be the first responders.

Those Wizards of Wall Street should be arrested, their computers, bank accounts and records seized, their rights read to them, and their cases placed on a rocket docket. They should be treated as the common criminals they have become.

We cannot undo the damage they have done to our economy. But we can turn a massive bailout into a monumental jail-in.

Δολοφονια Τραπεζιτη και Αυτοκτονιες στην Αγγλια

Δημοσίευσηαπό vngelis την Τετ 01 Οκτ, 2008 1:34 am
Αυτοκτονουν ειδη τραπεζιτες στην Αγγλια κατα τα λεγομενα αυτης της εφημεριδας ισως προσπαθουν να αποφυγουν το κρεμασμα ... train.html

Εδω μας λενε τωρα οτι τραπεζιτης δολοφονηθηκε επειδη ειταν εξω απο ενα κλαμπ με γυμονοστηθες την Κυριακη το πρωι και προσπαθησε να σωσει ενα μεταναστη απο ξυλο και οτι τον πλακωσαν στο ξυλο κατι αμυαλοι. Το οτι ειταν τραπεζιτης πολυ πλουσιων ατομων και ισως εχασε τα λεφτα τους και τον εστειλαν στον αλλο κοσμο δεν το λενε :D ... 852730.ece ... 46327.html ...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Νέο 9/11?‏

Σύμφωνα με Εβραϊκές πηγές υπάρχει...προφητεία 2.000 ετών ότι οι Αμερικανικές εκλογές θα αναβληθούν (για την ακρίβεια: "Θα ακυρωθούν")...

Γενικά το ενδεχόμενο αναβολής των εκλογών συζητείται πολύ στο διαδίκτυο:

US Issues Unprecedented DEFCON 1 Alert

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that theUnited States Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, has alerted hisWorld-Wide military commands to begin preparations for the raising ofAmerica’s Defense Condition (DEFCON) “on or about” October 7th to theirhighest status DEFCON 1. United States ally Israel has, likewise, raised its alert status totheir highest level, and as we can read as reported by the World TribuneNews Service: “Israel's military has been placed on high alert following an airlinebomb scare and reports of other threats. "There is an assessment thatsomething very bad will take place over the next few weeks, perhaps overthe Jewish holidays," an official said.” This unprecedented action by the United States in raising its alertstatus came almost immediately after American and Pakistani troopstraded fire today, and as we can read as reported by the New York TimesNews Service: “Pakistani and American ground troops exchanged fire along the borderwith Afghanistan on Thursday after the Pakistanis shot at two Americanhelicopters, ratcheting up tensions as the United States increases itsattacks against militants from Al Qaeda and the Taliban, who are beingsheltered in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas.” Nuclear armed Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani yesterdayissued to the Americans a stern warning stating, “I want to declarecategorically that we will not tolerate violation of our sovereignty byanyone in the name of combating terrorism.”, but to which the US DefenseSecretary Gates replied, “The United Nations charter allows the US toact in self-defence against international terrorists in Pakistan if thegovernment was unable, or unwilling to deal with them.” These reports further state that the FSB is ‘standing by’ their previousreports stating that the United States is entering a stage of ‘profoundchange’ that will see their present government completely overturned,and as we had previously on in our September 16th report “US To DeclareOctober ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections”. It is interesting to note that just yesterday, US PresidentialCandidate, John McCain, began the process of derailing the AmericanCampaign system by his announcing the suspension of his campaign toconcentrate his efforts on his Nations current financial crisis. Prime Minister Putin’s anger against the United States for the continueduse of their “money printing machine”, and as we had previously reportedon in our September 22nd report “Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold‘Shock’ For Global Economy”, for dealing with this crisis is raisingmore calls in Russia for the total remaking of the World’s economicsystem. One of the most popular plans among Russian economic experts is thereturn to the Gold Standard, and as we can read as reported by the RIANovosti News Service: “Second, the Russian leaders might also consider making their owncurrency, the rouble, convertible into gold. The idea of goldconvertible currencies is extremely unpopular among most [Western]economists: they dismiss gold as a "barbarous relic" (to use the famousphrase of John Maynard Keynes) and suggest either the present regime ofpaper currencies or, at best, a link to a basket of commodities. ” To the greatest insight, however, to these rapidly escalating eventsoccurring in the United States that is destroying their Nation we canread from an American author who in great detail has tried to warn herfellow citizens of the dangers they face: “Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine advances a truly unnerving argument:historically, while people were reeling from natural disasters, wars andeconomic upheavals, savvy politicians and industry leaders nefariouslyimplemented policies that would never have passed during less muddledtimes. As Klein demonstrates, this reprehensible game of bait-and-switchisn't just some relic from the bad old days. It's alive and well incontemporary society, and coming soon to a disaster area near you. “At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq'' civil war, a new law is unveiledthat will allow Shell and BP to claim the country's vast oil reserves…Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietlyoutsources the running of the 'War on Terror' to Halliburton andBlackwater… After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, thepristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts… New Orleansresidents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their publichousing, hospitals and schools will never be re-opened." Klein not onlykicks butt, she names names, notably economist Milton Friedman and hisradical Chicago School of the 1950s and 60s which she notes "producedmany of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whoseinfluence is still profound in Washington today.” Unfortunately, these American people still fail to see the crushingblows being prepared for them over these coming weeks that though theycan still prepare for them, they remain frozen in place by the fearbeing exerted upon them by their own leaders.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Αναβαλλωνται οι Αμερικανικες Εκλογες? Οικονομικη Δικτατορια...

Οι Ρωσοι το εχουν πει εδω και 2 εβδομαδες τωρα ο Μακαιν αναστελλει την προεκλογικη του εκστρατεια....

US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’.

These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.

As Prime Minister Putin had previously warned, and as we had reported on in our September 13th report “Hurricane Ike To Completely Destroy United States, Says Putin”, the horrific hurricane storm that has devastated the State of Texas, and where a humanitarian crisis is presently unfolding, has, indeed, proved to be the proverbial ‘straw that broke the camels back’ as the catastrophic damage from this storm raced beyond the Gulf of Mexico coast and ravaged the heartland of America to such an extent that the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky have declared States of Emergency as millions have been left without power.

The significance of this historic storm damage to the American economy, these reports say, led to the unprecedented pressures put upon the World’s largest insurance company American International Group (AIG) and its halt in negotiations, during a rare Sunday meeting in New York, to support the near bankrupt Lehman Brothers on Sunday, but which was then allowed to collapse and is now threatening to also destroy AIG itself.

Not being explained to the American people is that AIG, the World’s largest player in the $45 Trillion derivatives market, during the past two weeks had bet heavily on the World Markets against the damage from Hurricane Ike exceeding $2 billion in property damage, lost oil and gasoline production, lost wages and payments to companies forced to close, etc., it is obligated to pay, but which the actual damages are now being estimated will exceed $1 Trillion as the damages throughout the United States are finally tallied.

[Note: Derivatives are financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables. The main types of derivatives are futures, forwards, options, and swaps. The main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party.]

Such a calamitous action by AIG has basically shattered the Western economic system, and as we can read as reported by The Australian Business News Service in their article titled “Global banks brace for derivative blow-up”, and which says:

“So here we are on the morning of D Day. The world's major couterparties on the $US455 trillion derivatives market go into technical default and no one is sure what is going to happen.

Lehman Bros yesterday formally petitioned the State Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District Court of New York for Chapter 11 protection.

Lehman would also have filed what are called "first day motions", which allow the bank to pay salaries and wages, while it continues to market its non-toxic, broker-dealer operations and work out what on earth to do with its highly toxic $US53 billion residential and commercial mortgage portfolio.

But, as scary and Spartan as it might sound, failure is as essential to the workings of an effective marketplace as is success.

Which means only that, given this shattered, battle-weary investment bank is unable to find itself a new owner or think its own way through the current calamitous circumstances, then one of the legendary brands of Wall Street should be left to fail.

In a weekend of unprecedented drama, the Fed seems to have been forced to play Solomon and choose between Merrill Lynch and Lehman. Both were facing mortal threat. But it seems only one could survive intact.”

Even worse for the American people during this unprecedented crisis is that one of their top economic experts, Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co, is now warning that over 1,000 US banks are nearing collapse, and one of their top economists, Nouriel Roubini, of NYU's Stern School and RGE Monitor, is further warning that “there is already a "slow-motion run on retail banks" occurring nationwide.”

Russian Military Analysts commenting on these reports state that though it is unlikely that the American President can suspend US elections solely on the basis of an Economic Emergency alone, it is entirely probable that he could do so should their Nation suffer another 9/11 type attack, and which they ‘cryptically’ observe could place as early as September 22nd as American Military Forces begin to conduct their World-Wide tests of their new nuclear alert system as they conduct another test of their so-called Star Wars Missile Defense System.

It should be further noted that as their once great Nation continues sliding towards the abyss of total ruin, these American people still refuse to acknowledge the substance of the many warnings being issued to them from all corners of the World as if even with eyes and ears they do not see and do not hear anything other than what they are programmed for by their masters.

How sad for these people, how much sadder for the rest of us these people are now all but lost.

© September 16, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Η ΣΙΑ Πισω απ'τις Εκρηξεις στο Πακισταν-Ταρικ Αλι;

Η μεγαλυτερη σε κυκλοφορια εφημεριδα στο Πακισταν γραφει ο Αγγλος Ταρικ Αλι λεει οτι ειδανε κιβωτια απ'την Αμερικανικη Πρεσβεια να φτανουν στο ξενοδοχιο Μαρριοτ πριν ανατιναχτει στον αερα....

Casualties of another war
The Marriott bombing is terrible revenge for the Afghan campaign that has gone so badly wrong

* Tariq Ali

The deadly blast in Islamabad was a revenge attack for what has been going on over the past few weeks in the badlands of the North-West Frontier. It highlighted the crisis confronting the new government in the wake of intensified US strikes in the tribal areas on the Afghan border.

Hellfire missiles, drones, special operation raids inside Pakistan and the resulting deaths of innocents have fuelled Pashtun nationalism. It is this spillage from the war in Afghanistan that is now destabilising Pakistan.

The de facto prime minister of the country, an unelected crony of President Zardari and now his chief adviser, Rehman Malik, said, "our enemies don't want to see democracy flourishing in the country". This was rich coming from him, but in reality it has little to do with all that. It is the consequence of a supposedly "good war" in Afghanistan that has now gone badly wrong. The director of US National Intelligence, Michael McConnell, admits as much, saying the Afghan leadership must deal with the "endemic corruption and pervasive poppy cultivation and drug trafficking" that is to blame for the rise of the neo-Taliban.

The majority of Pakistanis are opposed to the US presence in the region, viewing it as the most serious threat to peace. Why, then, has the US decided to destabilise a crucial ally? Within Pakistan, some analysts argue this is a carefully coordinated move to weaken the Pakistani state by creating a crisis that extends way beyond the frontier with Afghanistan. Its ultimate aim, they claim, would be the extraction of the Pakistani military's nuclear fangs. If this were the case, it would imply Washington was determined to break up Pakistan, since the country would not survive a disaster on that scale.

In my view, however, the expansion of the war relates far more to the Bush administration's disastrous occupation in Afghanistan. It is hardly a secret that President Karzai's regime is becoming more isolated each passing day, as Taliban guerrillas move ever closer to Kabul.

When in doubt, escalate the war, is an old imperial motto. The strikes against Pakistan represent - like the decisions of President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, to bomb and then invade Cambodia - a desperate bid to salvage a war that was never good, but has now gone badly wrong.

It is true that those resisting the Nato occupation cross the Pakistan-Afghan border with ease. However, the US has often engaged in quiet negotiations with them. Several feelers have been put out to the Taliban in Pakistan, while US intelligence experts regularly check into the Serena hotel in Swat to meet Maulana Fazlullah, a local pro-Taliban leader.

Pashtuns in Peshawar, hitherto regarded as secular liberals, told the BBC only last week that they had lost all faith in the west. The decision to violate the country's sovereignty at will had sent them in the direction of the insurgents.

While there is much grieving for the Marriott hotel casualties, some ask why the lives of those killed by Predator drones or missile attacks are considered to be of less value. In recent weeks almost 100 innocent people have died in this fashion. No outrage and global media coverage for them.

Why was the Marriot targeted? Two explanations have surfaced in the media. The first is that there was a planned dinner for the president and his cabinet there that night, which was cancelled at the last moment.

The second, reported in the respected Pakistani English-language newspaper, Dawn, is that "a top secret operation of the US Marines [was] going on inside the Marriott when it was attacked". According to the paper: "Well-equipped security officers from the US embassy were seen on the spot soon after the explosions. However, they left the scene shortly afterwards."

The country's largest newspaper, the News, also reported on Sunday that witnesses had seen US embassy steel boxes being carried into the Marriott at night on September 17. According to the paper, the steel boxes were permitted to circumvent security scanners stationed at the hotel entrance.

Mumtaz Alam, a member of parliament, witnessed this. He wanted to leave the hotel but, owing to the heavy security, he was not permitted to leave at the time and is threatening to raise the issue in parliament.

These may be the motivations for this particular attack, but behind it all is the shadow of an expanding war.

· Tariq Ali's latest book is The Duel: Pakistan On the Flight Path of American Power

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ρωσο-Κινεζικο Σχεδιο για Νεο Παγκοσμιο Νομισμα

September 22, 2008

Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold ‘Shock’ For Global Economy

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

A visibly angry Prime Minister Putin addressing the media during his visit with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon in Sochi blasted the United States plans for dealing with the collapse of the Western Banking system by stating, “We all need to think about changing the architecture of international finances and diversifying risks. The whole world economy cannot depend on one money-printing machine”.

Putin’s warning, however, has fallen upon deaf ears in the United States as that financially beleaguered Nation prepares to further implode their economy by injecting a staggering $1 Trillion into their stock and banking markets by doing nothing more than printing up more money as they have completely bankrupted themselves, and which has brought them to this latest crisis.

Not being explained to the American people, in the millions of words currently assaulting them by their propaganda media about their economic collapse, is the almost childlike equation that their Nations debt is virtually worthless on the World markets as the US Dollar has no real value as their US Federal Reserve System is broke, and as we can read from their own statement, but in much more convoluted terms designed to completely confuse their own people:

“The Federal Reserve has announced a series of lending and liquidity initiatives during the past several quarters intended to address heightened liquidity pressures in the financial market, including enhancing its liquidity facilities this week. To manage the balance sheet impact of these efforts, the Federal Reserve has taken a number of actions, including redeeming and selling securities from the System Open Market Account portfolio.

The Treasury Department announced today the initiation of a temporary Supplementary Financing Program at the request of the Federal Reserve. The program will consist of a series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury’s current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve initiatives.

Announcements of and participation in auctions conducted under the Supplementary Financing Program will be governed by existing Treasury auction rules. Treasury will provide as much advance notification as possible regarding the timing, size, and maturity of any bills auctioned for Supplementary Financing Program purposes.”

In simple terms: When the US Federal Reserve System announced it was broke, the US Treasury turned on its printing presses to create new Treasury Bills which have no value whatsoever, except giving the illusion of liquidity to the unsuspecting American public so they will cease withdrawing their dollars from their crashing banks and stock markets prior to their savings becoming completely worthless.

To the astounding plan unveiled by the US Government to address their financial collapse, one could justifiably be confused to if they are reading a pronouncement from the old Soviet Politburo, instead of the largest capitalistic economy system in the World, and as we can read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service:

“The Bush administration sought unchecked power from Congress to buy $700 billion in bad mortgage investments from financial companies in what would be an unprecedented government intrusion into the markets.

Through his plan, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson aims to avert a credit freeze that would bring the financial system and the world's largest economy to a standstill. The bill would prevent courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority.

“He's asking for a huge amount of power,'' said Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University. ``He's saying, `Trust me, I'm going to do it right if you give me absolute control.' This is not a monarchy.'”

As we had reported in our September 20th report, ‘Seven Days That Shook The World’: Democracy In America Dies, US Senator Jim Bunning was, indeed, correct when he stated, “The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America. The action proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free market and institute socialism in America.”

But, to the fullest extent of this US financial crisis we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service:

“What we are witnessing may be the greatest destruction of financial wealth that the world has ever seen -- paper losses measured in the trillions of dollars. Corporate wealth. Oil wealth. Real estate wealth. Bank wealth. Private-equity wealth. Hedge fund wealth. Pension wealth. It's a painful reminder that, when you strip away all the complexity and trappings from the magnificent new global infrastructure, finance is still a confidence game -- and once the confidence goes, there's no telling when the selling will stop.

But more than psychology is involved here. What is really going on, at the most fundamental level, is that the United States is in the process of being forced by its foreign creditors to begin living within its means.”

And, what the American economy, and its people, are not even close to being prepared for is how both China and Russia are going to be dealing with the new “Peoples Republic of Wall Street” in demanding their debts be paid immediately in full.

One particularly crushing response to the United States current crisis circulating in the Kremlin today, written by Alexander Dugin, described as the “New sage of the Kremlin”, advocates the combining of both Russia’s nearly $500 billion and China’s 20,000 tons [est.]gold reserves to back a new gold-backed Eurasian Currency modeled on the Euro, and which if implemented would ‘shock’ the American dollar to such an extent that it would cease exist on International markets.

This report further notes that the United States is already preparing for such a response from Russia and China by this past weeks invoking of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 by the US Government in a desperate move to protect their money markets for the first time since the Great Depression, and of which the vast majority of Americans remain oblivious to the fact that their personal gold holdings can still be confiscated by their officials at anytime of their choosing despite the 1975 laws allowing these people to own gold again.

In all of these events, and as we have mentioned many times before, the greatest enemy of these American people appears to be their own ignorance as they, seemingly, have absolutely no idea on how to protect themselves, but which even Russian schoolchildren knows is the exchanging of a collapsing currency for one that is doing better, and which millions of ordinary Russians did during the collapse of the Soviet economy by purchasing American Express Travelers Cheques in US Dollars and British Pound Sterling.

To whatever becomes of these American people entering what is, in essence, a Third World Economy, it remains a main fact that they continue to ignore the many warnings from outside their country of the many catastrophes still to come, even to their false bravado of laughing these warnings off as they plunge into the abyss.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Μια Τραπεζιτικη Πτωχευση την Ημερα-Το Οικονομικο Τελος των ΗΠΑ

Ειναι αδιανοητο αυτο που γινεται η συγχωνευση των τραπεζων καθημερινα και η μεγαλυτερη εθνικοποιηση ολλων των εποχων της αγορας κατοικιως στην Αμερικη.

Σε μια αγορα που συρρικνωνεται η πτωση αναποφεκτα περναει μεσα απο ενα προτσες. Ποσο βαθυ και ποσο θα διαρκεσει αυτο το προτσες εχει σχεση με το πως θα αντιδραση ο κοσμος. Οταν δεν υπαρχει χρημα να κινηση μια εντελως υπερχρεωμενη αγορα και οταν η πιστωση ειναι ποια παρελθον ειναι δυσκολα οταν δεν παραγεις τιποτα εκ'τως απο οπλα, αυτοκινητα και πιστωτικες καρτες. Σχεδον εξ'ολοκληρου ολες οι εταιριες της λειτουργουν αφορολογητα στο εξωτερικο, το ιδιο το αμερικανικο κρατος δεν εχει εσοδα. Για μια 15ετια μπορεσαν να πουλησουν το παραμυθι της οικονομιας που παντα προοδευει και μπορεσαν να μετατρεψουν τις κατοικιες σε μια φουσκα απο χαρτονομισματα οπου ο καθενας καθε δυο και τρεις ανακυκλωνε το χρεος του και με αυτα ζουσε αφου οι μισθοι τους παρεμειναν καθηλωμενοι σε επιπεδα προ μια δεκαετιας.

Πολλες χωρες που εχουν σταματηση προ πολλου να πουλανε πετρελαιο με $ τωρα θα αρχισουν να κανουν το ιδιο με βασικα προιοντα οπως τα μεταλλα κτλ. Χωρις την επιδοτηση των ομολογων του Αμερικανικου δημοσιου χανουν την πιστωση που εχουν οι τραπεζες απ'τους καταθετες. Το χρεος και το κοστος του πολεμου ειναι αστρονομικα. Η φουσκα της πλασματικης ανοδος των κατοικιων τωρα πεφτει αλματωδος. Που θα σταματηση?

Νομιζω οτι πηγαινουμε απο ενα υπερθερματισμενο καπιταλισμο σε συνναλαγες μεσα λιγο με προιοντα. Οι τραπεζοληστες βουλιαζουν σαν τα ποντικια που προσπαθουν να επιβιωσουν απο μια πλυμμηρα. Βαδιζουν να εφαρμοσουν μια οικονομια χωρις χρημα αφου το καταστρεψουν με τα πιεστηρια τους που δουλευουν πρωη βραδυ να τυπωνουν πλαστο νομισμα...

Financial Bailout: America's Own Kleptocracy
The largest transformation of America's Financial System since the Great Depression

by Michael Hudson

Global Research, September 20, 2008

Nobody expected industrial capitalism to end up like this. Nobody even saw it evolving in this direction. I'm afraid this failing is not unusual among futurists: The natural tendency is to think about how economies can best grow and evolve, not how it can be untracked. But an unforeseen road always seems to appear, and there goes society goes off on a tangent.

What a two weeks!

On Sunday, September 7, the Treasury took on the $5.3 trillion mortgage exposure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose heads already had been removed for accounting fraud.

On Monday, September 15, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, when prospective Wall Street buyers couldn't gain any sense of reality from its financial books. On Wednesday the Federal Reserve agreed to make good for at least $85 billion in the just-pretend "insured" winnings owed to financial gamblers who bet on computer-driven trades in junk mortgages and bought counter-party coverage from the A.I.G. (the American International Group, whose head Maurice Greenberg already had been removed a few years back for accounting fraud).

But it is Friday, September 19, that will go down as a turning point in American history. The White House committed at least half a trillion dollars more to re-inflate real estate prices in an attempt to support the market value junk mortgages - mortgages issued far beyond the ability of debtors to pay and far above the going market price of the collateral being pledged.

These billions of dollars were devoted to keeping a dream alive - the accounting fictions written down by companies that had entered an unreal world based on false accounting that nearly everyone in the financial sector knew to be fake. But they played along with buying and selling packaged mortgage junk because that was where the money was. As Charles Prince of Citibank put it, "As long as they're playing music, you have to get up and dance." Even after markets collapsed, fund managers who steered clear were blamed for not playing the game while it was going. I have friends on Wall Street who were fired for not matching the returns that their compatriots were making. And the biggest returns were to be made in trading in the economy's largest financial asset - mortgage debt. The mortgages packaged, owned or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie alone exceeded the entire U.S. national debt - the cumulative deficits run up by the American Government since the nation won the Revolutionary War!

This gives an idea of just how large the bailout has been - and where the government's (or at least the Republicans') priorities lie! Instead of waking up the economy to reality, the government has thrown all its resources to promote the unreal dream that debts can be paid - if not by the debtors themselves, then by the government - "taxpayers," as the euphemism goes.

Overnight, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve have radically changed the character of American capitalism. It is nothing less than a coup d'Etat for the class that FDR called "banksters." What has happened in the past two weeks threatens to change the coming century - irreversibly, if they can get away with it. This is the largest and most inequitable transfer of wealth since the land giveaways to the railroad barons during the Civil War era.

Even so, there seems little sign that it even may end the free-market patter talk by financial insiders who have managed to avert public oversight by appointing non-regulators to the major regulatory agencies - and thus created the mess that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson now says threatens the bank deposits and jobs of all Americans. What he really means, of course, are simply the largest Republican campaign contributors (and to be fair, also the largest contributors to Democratic candidates on key financial committees).

A kleptocratic class has taken over the economy to replace industrial capitalism. Franklin Roosevelt's term "banksters" says it all in a nutshell. The economy has been captured - by an alien power, but not the usual suspects. Not socialism, workers or "big government," nor by industrial monopolists or even by the great banking families. Certainly not by Freemasons and Illuminati. (It would be wonderful if there were indeed some group operating with centuries of wisdom behind them, so at least someone at least had a plan.) Rather, the banksters have made a compact with an alien power -not Communists, Russians, Asians or Arabs. Not humans at all. The group's cadre is a new breed of machine. It may sound like the Terminator movies, but computerized Machines have indeed taken over the world - at least, the White House's world.

Here is how they did it. A.I.G. wrote insurance policies of all sorts of that people and businesses need: home and property insurance, livestock insurance, even aircraft leasing. These highly profitable businesses were not the problem. (They therefore will probably be sold off to pay the company's bad gambles.) A.I.G.'s downfall came from the $450 billion - almost half a trillion - dollars it was on the hook for as a result of guaranteeing hedge-fund counterparty insurance. In other words, if two parties played the zero-sum game of betting against each other as to whether the dollar would rise or fall against sterling or the euro, or if they insured a mortgage portfolio of junk mortgages to make sure that they would get paid, they would pay a teeny tiny commission to A.I.G. for a policy promising to pay if, say, the $11 trillion U.S. mortgage market should "stumble" or if losers placing trillions of dollars in bets on foreign exchange derivatives, stock or bond derivatives should somehow find themselves in a position that so many Las Vegas patrons are in, and be unable to come up with the cash to cover their losses.

A.I.G. collected billions of dollars on such policies. And thanks to the fact that insurance companies are a Milton Friedman paradise - not regulated by the Federal Reserve or any other nation-wide agency, and hence able to get the proverbial free lunch without government oversight - writing such policies was done by computer printouts, and the company collected massive fees and commissions without putting in much capital of its own. This is what is called "self-regulation." It is how the Invisible Hand is supposed to work.

It turned out, inevitably, that some of the financial institutions that made billion-dollar gambles - usually in the form of a thousand million-dollar gambles in the course of a few minutes or so, to be precise - couldn't pay up. These gambles all occur in microseconds, at strokes of a keyboard almost without human interference. In that sense it is not unlike alien pod people taking over. But in this case they are robot-like machines, hence the analogy I drew above with the Terminators.

Their sudden rise to dominance is as unforeseen as an invasion from Mars. The nearest analogy is the invasion of the Harvard Boys, World Bank and U.S.A.I.D. to Russia and other post-Soviet economies after the Soviet Union was dissolved, pressing free-market giveaways to create national kleptocracies. It should be a worrying sign to Americans that these kleptocrats have become the Founding Fortunes of their respective countries. We should bear in mind Aristotle's observation that democracy is the political stage immediately preceding oligarchy.

The financial machines that placed the trades that bankrupted A.I.G. were programmed by financial managers to act with the speed of light in conducting electronic trades often lasting only a few seconds each, millions of times a day. Only a machine could calculate mathematical probabilities factored in regarding the squiggles up and down of interest rates, exchange rates and stock and bonds prices - and prices for packaged mortgages. And the latter packages increasingly took the form of junk mortgages, pretending to be payable debts but in reality empty flak.

The machines employed by hedge funds in particular have given a new meaning to Casino Capitalism. That was long applied to speculators playing the stock market. It meant making cross bets, lose some and win some - and getting the government to bail out the non-payers. The twist in the past two weeks' turmoil is that the winners cannot collect on their bets unless the government pays the debts that the losers are unable to cover with their own money.

One would have thought that this requires some degree of control over the government. The activity probably never should have been licensed. In fact, it never was licensed, and hence nor regulated. But there seemed to be a good reason: Investors in hedge funds had to sign a paper saying that they were rich enough to afford to lose their money on this financial gambling. Your average mom and pop investors were not permitted to participate. Despite the high rewards that millions of tiny trades generated, they were deemed too risky for the uninitiated lacking trust funds to play with.

A hedge fund does not make money by producing goods and services. It does not advance funds to buy real assets or even lend money. It borrows huge sums to leverage its bet with nearly free credit. Its managers are not industrial engineers but mathematicians who program computers to make cross-bets or "straddles" on which way interest rates, currency exchange rates, stock or bond prices may move - or the prices for packaged bank mortgages. The packaged loans may be sound or they may be junk. It doesn't matter. All that matters is making money in a marketplace where most trades last only a few seconds. What creates the gains is the price fibrillation - volatility.

This kind of transaction may make fortunes, but it is not "wealth creation" in the form that most people recognize. Before the Black-Scholes mathematical formula for calculating the value of hedge bets, this kind of put and call option was too costly to provide much profit to anyone except the brokerage houses. But the combination of powerful computers and the "innovation" of almost free credit and free access to the financial gambling tables has made possible a frenetic back-and-forth maneuvering.

So why has the Treasury found it necessary to enter this picture at all? Why should these gamblers be bailed out, if they had enough to lose without having to become public wards by going on welfare? Hedge fund trading was limited to the very rich, for investment banks and other institutional investors. But it became one of the easiest ways to make money, loaning funds at interest for people to pay out of their computer-driven cross-trades. And almost as fast as it was made, this revenue was paid out in commissions, salaries and annual bonuses reminiscent of America's Gilded Age in the years prior to World War I - years before the income tax was introduced in 1913. The remarkable thing about all this money was that its recipients didn't even have to pay normal income tax on it. The government let them call it "capital gains," which meant that the money was taxed at only a fraction of the rate that incomes were taxed.

The pretense, of course, is that all this frenetic trading creates real "capital." It certainly does not do so in the classical 19th-century concept of capital. The term has been decoupled from producing goods and services, hiring wage labor or from financing innovation. It is as much "capital" as the right to conduct a lottery and collect the winnings from the hopes of the losers. But then, casinos from Las Vegas to riverboats have become a major "growth industry," muddying the language of capital, growth and wealth itself.

For the gaming tables to be closed and the money paid out, the losers must be bailed out - Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, A.I.G. and who knows what to come? This is the only way to solve the problem of how companies that already have paid out their revenue to their managers and stockholders instead of putting it in reserves are to collect their winnings from insolvent debtors and insurance companies. These losers also have paid out their income to their financial managers and insiders (along with the usual patriotic contributions to the political candidates on the key committees in charge of deciding the nation's financial structuring).

This has to be orchestrated well in advance. It is necessary to buy politicians and give them a plausible cover story (or at least a well-crafted set of poll-tested euphemisms) to explain to voters just why it was in the public interest to bail out gamblers. Good rhetoric is needed to explain why the government should let them go into a casino and let them keep all their winnings while using public funds to make good on the losses of their counterparties.

What happened on September 18-19 took years of preparation, capped by a faux ideology crafted by public-relations think tanks to be broadcast under emergency conditions to panic Congress - and voters - right before the presidential election. This seems to be our September election surprise. Under staged crisis conditions, Pres. Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson are now calling for the country to come together in a War on Defaulting Homeowners. This is said to be the only hope to "save the system." (What system is this? Not industrial capitalism, or even banking as we know it.) The largest transformation of America's financial system since the Great Depression has been compressed into just two weeks, starting with the doubling of America's national debt on September 7 with the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (My computer's spellchecker will not permit me to use the euphemism "conservatorship" that Mr. Paulson applied to bailing out the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fraudsters.)

Economic theory used to explain that profits and interest were a return for calculated risk. But today, the name of the game is capital gains and computerized gambling on the direction of interest rates, foreign currencies and stock prices - and when bad bets are made, bailouts are the calculated economic return for campaign contributions. But this is not supposed to be the time to talk of such things. "We must act now to protect our nation's economic health from serious risk," intoned Pres. Bush on September 19. What he meant was that the White House must make the Republican Party's largest group of campaign contributors whole - Wall Street, that is - by bailing out their bad gambles. "There will be ample opportunity to debate the origins of this problem. Now is the time to solve it." In other words, don't make this an election issue. "In our nation's history there have been moments that require us to come together across party lines to address major challenges. This is such a moment." Right before the presidential election! The same guff was heard earlier on Friday morning from Sec. Paulson: "Our economic health requires that we work together for prompt, bipartisan action." The broadcasters said that half a trillion dollars was discussed for this day's maneuverings.

Much of the blame should go to the Clinton Administration for leading the call to repeal Glass-Steagall in 1999, letting the banks merge with casinos. Or rather, the casinos have absorbed the banks. That is what has put the savings of Americans at risk.

But does this really mean that the only solution is to re-inflate the real estate market? The Paulson-Bernanke plan is to enable the banks to sell off the homes of five million home mortgage debtors faced with default or foreclosure this year! Homeowners with "exploding adjustable-rate mortgages" will lose their homes, but the Fed will pump enough credit into the mortgage-lending agencies to enable new buyers to go deeply enough into debt to take the junk mortgages off the hands of the gamblers who presently own them. Time for another financial and real estate bubble to bail out the junk mortgage lenders and packagers.

America has entered into a new war - a War to Save Computerized Derivative Traders. Like the Iraq war, it is based largely on fictions and entered into under seeming emergency conditions - to which the solution has little relation to the underlying cause of the problems. On financial security grounds the government is to make good on the collateralized debt obligations packaged (CDOs) that Warren Buffett has called "weapons of mass financial destruction."

Hardly by surprise, this giveaway of public money is being handled by the same group that warned the country so piously about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Pres. Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson have piously announced that this is no time for partisan disagreements over this shift of public policy to favor creditors rather than debtors. There is no time to make the biggest bailout in election history an election issue. Not an appropriate time to debate whether it is a good thing to re-inflate housing prices to a level that will continue to oblige new home buyers to go so deeply into debt that they must pay some 40 percent of their take-home pay on housing.

Remember when President Bush and Alan Greenspan informed the American people that there was no money left to pay Social Security (not to mention Medicare) because at some future date (a decade from now? 20 years? 40 years?) the system might run a deficit of what now seems to be merely a trivial trillion dollars spread over many, many years. The moral was that if we can't figure out how to pay, let's plow the program under right now.

Mr. Bush and Greenspan did have a helpful solution, of course. The Treasury could turn Social Security and medical insurance money over to Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and their brethren to invest at the "magic of compound interest."

What would have happened to U.S. Social Security had this been done? Perhaps we should view the past two weeks' events as having assigned to Wall Street gamblers all the money that has been set aside since the Greenspan Commission in 1983 shifted the tax burden onto FICA wage withholding. It is not retirees who are being rescued, but the Wall Street investors who signed papers saying that they could afford to lose their money. The Republican slogan this November should be "Gambling insurance, not health insurance."

This is not how the much-vaunted Road to Serfdom was mapped out to be. Frederick Hayek and his Chicago Boys insisted that serfdom would come from government planning and regulation. This view turned upside down the classical and Progressive Era reformers who depicted government as acting as society's brain, its steering mechanism to shape markets - and free them from income without playing a necessary role in production.

The theory of democracy rested on the assumption that voters would act in their self-interest. Market reformers made a kindred happy assumption that consumers, savers and investors would promote economic growth by acting with full knowledge and understanding of the dynamics at work. But the Invisible Hand turned out to be accounting fraud, junk mortgage lending, insider dealing and a failure to relate the soaring debt overhead to the ability of debtors to pay - all of this mess seemingly legitimized by computerized trading models, and now blessed by the Treasury.

Michael Hudosn is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (1972 and 2003) and of The Myth of Aid (1971).

Michael Hudson is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Michael Hudson

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ο Κισσινγκερ για το Μακεδονικο

Άλλωτε ο Henry λέει (ΑΝ το είπε) πως "οι Έλληνες πρέπει να χτυπηθούν στον πολιτισμό, τη γλώσσα" κλπ., και άλλωτε λέει πως "Η Ελλάδα έχει ιστορικά δικαιώματα" και πως "Όπλο των Ελλήνων είναι η Ιστορία". "Μιά στο καρφί και μιά στο πέταλο."

Είναι γνωστό πως οι Πάτρωνες, είτε οι Υπερατλαντικοί σήμερα, είτε της Γηραιάς Αλβιώνος, άλλωτε, είχαν παγεια τακτική τη μία στιγμή να "χαϊδεύουν" τον Εθνικισμό και τις θρησκευτικές ευαισθησίες των μικρών Λαών (όταν ήθελαν να τους στείλουν στη σφαγή γιά τα σχέδιά τους) και την άλλη να τους πετούν στον κάλαθο των αχρήστων, με ολέθριες, κατά κανόνα, συνέπειες. Βλέπε, π.χ., Μικρά Ασία, 1922.

Μήπως υπάρχει κάτι παρόμοιο, εν εξελίξη; Μήπως τα γεγονότα στην Οσετία έπεισαν τις Η.Π.Α. πως ίσως χρειαστεί να ανανεώσει τη συμμαχία της με τα Εθνικιστικά στοιχεία;

Δεν είναι μόνο η δήλωση του Kissinger. Τον Απρίλιο του 2007 το NATO είχε δημοσιεύσει χάρτη όπου η Τουρκία εμφανιζόταν διαλυμένη προς όφελος του "Ανεξάρτητου Προτεκτοράτου"...Συγγνώμη, της "Ανεξάρτητης Δημοκρατίας του Κουρδιστάν", ήθελα να πω! Και είχαν στείλει και αεροσκάφη να πετάξουν απειλητικά πάνω από την Τουρκία, τότε. Είχε γίνει και ψήφισμα περί "αναγνώρισης τηε γενοκτονίας των Αρμενίων".

Την ίδια περίοδο (..."σύμπτωση";) το National Geographic (Ελληνική έκδοση) είχε δημοσιεύσει ένθετο αφιέρωμα στην Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή. Με DVD, κλπ. Όπου μάλιστα εξήρετο ο ρόλος των Βρετανών στην..."ΑΡΩΓΗ" των Ιώνων! (Υπήρχε photo όπου Άγγλοι πεζοναύτες μοίραζαν ψωμί στους κατοίκους της Σμύρνης, όταν οι τελευταίοι "συνωστίζονταν" στην προκυμαία.) Και ακολούθησαν άλλα δύο αφιερώματα, ένα στους Βαλκανικούς Πολέμους, και ένα στην Άλωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης...

ΤΙ ΕΙΔΟΥΣ "ξαφνικό ενδιαφέρον γιά τις μείζονες αντιπαραθέσεις Ελλάδας - Τουρκίας" ήταν αυτό, από μέρους του παγκόσμιου ετούτου εντύπου της CIA; Και μάλιστα στη συγκεκριμένη περίοδο;

Αν οι Η.Π.Α. έφταναν σε ανοικτή ρίξη με την Τουρκία, τότε η Ελλάδα - και συνακόλουθα ο Ελληνικός Εθνικισμός - ενδεχομένως θα τους ήταν περιστασιακά χρήσιμοι. Και το "Να πάρουμε την Πόλη και την Αγιά Σοφιά!" είναι κάτι που θα το πριμοδοτούσαν.

Αν ξεκινήσει πόλεμος στο Ιράν, οι Η.Π.Α. θα χρειαστούν ευρεία στήριξη από τους Κούρδους. Και αυτό θα τους φέρει και πάλι σε αντιπαράθεση με την Τουρκία, κατά πάσα πιθανότητα οξύτερη. Το ζήτημα του "Ανεξάρτητου Κουρδιστάν" θα τεθεί εκ νέου, εντονότερο...Ως προς τη συνέχεια είναι δυνατόν να γίνουν πολλές υποθέσεις. Η Ελλάδα όμως ίσως τους φανεί αναγκαίος σύμμαχος, πιό χρήσιμος από την υπό διάλυση "Μακεδονία", όπου οι Αλβανοί πιθανόν να είναι με το πλευρό των Τούρκων. Αυτό, βέβαια, προς στιγμήν! Όσο γιά μετά...

Δεν είμαι σε θέση να συμπεράνω αν η δήλωση Kissinger συνδέεται με τα παραπάνω. Ίσως να είναι απλά "αντάλλαγμα" σε περίπτωση που η Ελλάδα κάνει πίσω στο ζήτημα του πετρελαιαγωγού. Ίσως ο Kissinger παριστάνει απλά τον "καλό" ώστε να φανεί πως οι Η.Π.Α. μπορούν να είναι και φιλικές, όταν η "Ψωροκώσταινα" είναι αρκετά υπάκουη ("καλός μπάτσος - κακός μπάτσος").

Οπωσδήποτε, το στραπάτσο στον Καύκασσο θα αναγκάσει τους Αμερικανούς να μετέλθουν πολλά κόλπα.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Μεταναστευτικες Ταραχες Ομονια και Πατρα...


Βγήκαν γιαταγάνια στο γκέτο


Σοβαρό προβληματισμό προκαλούν στην Αστυνομία οι μάχες συμμοριών μεταξύ Αφρικανών λαθρομεταναστών στην καρδιά της Αθήνας, με αφορμή τις εκτεταμένες αιματηρές συμπλοκές της περασμένης Παρασκευής.

Τα απίστευτα έκτροπα με επίκεντρο τη διασταύρωση των οδών Μενάνδρου και Πειραιώς αναγκάζουν την Αστυνομία να αναζητήσει συνδρομή και πολιτική κατεύθυνση σχετικά με τον τρόπο αντιμετώπισης της κατάστασης, κυρίως μεσοπρόθεσμα.

Η αμηχανία και η αδράνεια συναρμόδιων φορέων τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουν δημιουργήσει τις συνθήκες για την ανάπτυξη γκέτο, τόσο στο κέντρο της πρωτεύουσας όσο και σε συνοικίες δήμων του Λεκανοπεδίου, αλλά και της υπόλοιπης χώρας.

Από τις οδομαχίες του απογεύματος της περασμένης Παρασκευής στις οποίες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στιλέτα, γιαταγάνια, ματσέτες, τσεκούρια, τραυματίστηκαν τουλάχιστον 20 άτομα από τα οποία έξι παρέμεναν για νοσηλεία μέχρι χθες το βράδυ.

Προσήχθησαν πάνω από 75 άτομα από τα οποία συνελήφθησαν τα 19, μεταξύ των οποίων και οι τραυματίες.

Τραυματίστηκαν επίσης ένας αστυνομικός από σπαθί και όταν πυροβόλησε στο πόδια έναν ταραξία από τον εξοστρακισμό της σφαίρας τραυματίστηκε και ένας διερχόμενος πολίτης.

Δώδεκα από τους συλληφθέντες κρατούνται στην Ασφάλεια μετά την άσκηση διώξεων σε βάρος τους και την προσεχή Τετάρτη θα οδηγηθούν στον ανακριτή. Ολοι οι συλληφθέντες βρίσκονται παράνομα στη χώρα και είναι ηλικίας 17-25 ετών. Εχουν προέλευση τη Σομαλία, το Σουδάν και την Ερυθραία.

Οι λόγοι των συγκρούσεων δεν έχουν απολύτως διευκρινιστεί. Ωστόσο, όπως αναφέρουν πληροφορίες από την Αστυνομία, εστιάζονται σε φυλετικές διαφορές που προκαλούν και τους εμφύλιους στις παραπάνω χώρες σε συνδυασμό με τις διαφορές που προκύπτουν στις παράνομες δραστηριότητές τους γύρω από την Ομόνοια.

Αυτοί οι νέοι, έγχρωμοι λαθρομετανάστες επιδίδονται κυρίως στο λαθρεμπόριο (τσιγάρα, ψηφιακοί δίσκοι κ.λπ.), στη διακίνηση ναρκωτικών και στην εξυπηρέτηση κυκλωμάτων πορνείας. Εχουν συγκεκριμένα στέκια αγοραπωλησιών.

Οταν όμως καινούργιοι εισχωρούν στις πιάτσες των παλαιότερων γίνονται βίαιες εκκαθαρίσεις.

Πολλοί απ' αυτούς συλλαμβάνονται ως λαθρομετανάστες, αλλά αφήνονται ελεύθεροι για να... φύγουν μόνοι τους, αφού πρακτικά είναι σχεδόν αδύνατη η απέλασή τους.

Η Αστυνομία, όπως παραδέχονται επιτελείς της, αδυνατεί να αντιμετωπίσει την κατάσταση επειδή απουσιάζει το γενικότερο πλάνο χειρισμού της νέας πραγματικότητας που απασχολεί επίσης πολλές ευρωπαϊκές πρωτεύουσες.

* Νέο επεισόδιο μεταξύ πολυεθνικής ομάδας μεταναστών (Ρουμάνοι, Ρώσοι, Ουκρανοί) έγινε χθες τα ξημερώματα στην πλατεία Βικτωρίας. Τραυματίστηκαν δύο άτομα. *

ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ - 01/09/2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Στρατιωτικα Γυμνασια Βενεζουελα-Εμφυλιος Βολιβια?

Το τελος της Αμερικης υποχρεοτικα περναει μεσα απ'την διαλυση των Αμερικανικων προτεκτορατων. Πολλα απ'αυτα ειναι στην Λατινικη Αμερικη. Η αντεπιθεση της Ρωσιας στην επεμβαση των Αμερικανων στον Καυκασο δεινη μια ωοθηση στις κοντρες που υπαρχουν κατω απ'την επιφανεις. Στην Βολιβια ο αγωνας του λαου της για να αποκτηση τα δικαιωματα στις εξαγωγες των πρωτων υλων που εξαγει η χωρα ειδη εχει περαση μεσα απο προ-επαναστατικες εξεργεσεις. Τωρα οι περιοχες που ειναι πληρως φιλο-αμερικανικες οπως το Σουκρε ψυφισαν για διασπαση απ'την κεντρικη κυβερνηση.

Ο Τσαβες οργανωσε κοινα γυμνασια με τους Ρωσους και απ'οτι φαινεται και οι δυο χωρες απελασαν τους Αμερικανους Πρεσβεις. Ετσι ειμαστε μπροστα σε μια νεα κατασταση. Ο Τσεινυ δεν μπορεσε να κερδιση εδαφος στο Καυκασσο και η αμερικανικη επιρροη μειωνεται στις περιοχες που παντα ελεγχαν ανοικτα.

Ρεπορταζ απ'την φλεγομενη περιοχη Σαντα Κρουζ της Βολιβιας

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Η Πτωση των Διδυμων Πυργων Δουλεια του Μπους-Ρωσικη Τηλεοραση

Να θυμηθουμε τι ειχε δειξη η 'Ελευθερωτυπια' πριν την πτωση των Διδυμων Πυργων...

30 million Russian citizens can watch.
Tue Sep 9, 2008 10:18 am (PDT)


Russian television is to give prime time airing 9/11 film on the eve
of this week's seventh anniversary of the attacks in New York and DC!
Public showing of Italian Truth film could lead to international
thanks to Barbara Honegger

Italian film-maker Giulietto Chiesa, who was in Berlin for a screening
of his documentary ("ZERO") which questions the official US version of
the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has called for an international tribunal
probe events. Chiesa was in Berlin at the weekend for a screening of
his film which
features, among others, novelist Gore Vidal and playwright Dario Fo as
well as retired American professor of philosophy David Ray Griffin who
advances conspiracy theories that contradict mainstream accounts of
events of 11 September, 2001.

Ivashov, Chiesa, Meyssan, Russian Experts To Debate 9-11 On Russian TV

WASHINGTON, DC -- Thierry Meyssan reports from Moscow that he and
other leading international 9/11 truth experts have completed taping a
television debate which will be telecast on the first national program
of Russian state television this coming Friday, September 12. This no-
holds barred, free-wheeling debate, featuring strongly divergent
opinions about what really happened on and about September 11, 2001,
will be shown in conjunction with the documentary film Zero, produced
and directed by Chiesa and Franco Fracassi of Telemaco Productions in
Rome. Russians are thus about to receive an unprecedented evening of
9/11 truth.

The telecast will go out in the middle of prime time. Among the
participants, General Leonid Ivashov was the commander of the Russian
armed forces on September 11, 2001, and has been a leading critic of
the US official version. A leading strategic thinker for his country,
Ivashov is currently a fellow of the Strategic Culture Foundation
( in Moscow. Giulietto Chiesa is a member of the European
Parliament in Brussels, representing the region around Asti in
northwest Italy. Chiesa has been the leading spokesman for 9/11 truth
issues in the European Parliament, and has been the prime mover behind
the documentary film Zero, as well as the collection of essays by the
same name which has also attracted much attention in Italy since being
published in the late summer of 2007. Thierry Meyssan, the founder and
leader of the Voltaire Network in Paris, was one of the first critics
of the US official story about 9/11. He is the author of several
books, including 9/11: The Big Lie, and Pentagate. He also organized
the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November

The trailer for 'zero' on Russian TV.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Καιρικοι Πολεμοι Κουβα; Δολοφονια Τροτσκιστριας?

Ο Προεδρος της Κουβας δηλωσε οτι σαν μια πυρινικη βομβα εχει χτηπηση το νησι του και εχουν προκληθη τεραστιες ζημιες στις καλλιεργιες και σε οικιες. Ζητησαν την αρση του εμπαργκο προσορινα για να καλυψουν τις αναγκες που εχουν για τις καταστροφες. Αρνηθηκε η Αμερικανικη κυβερνηση

Κορη ενος απ'τους ηγετες της επαναστασης τα τελευταια 5 χρονια προοθουσε τις αποψεις του Τροτσκυ τοσο στο εσωτερικο οσο στο εξωτερικο της Κουβας.

By Alan Woods

Celia Hart Santamaría (1962 – 2008)
Celia Hart Santamaría

We have just heard the tragic news of the death in a traffic accident, of Celia Hart Santamaría, 45, and Abel Hart Santamaría, 48, the daughter and son of Armando Hart Dávalos and Haydée Santamaría.

The accident occurred on the afternoon of Sunday, 7 September in the Miramar district of Havana. We do not know the details, but it appears that the car hit a tree. It may be that the bad conditions caused by the recent hurricane had something to do with this.

The bodies of Celia and Abel were taken to the Funeral Rivero, Calzada and K, from where the funeral procession set out for the Columbus Necropolis, where they were buried today at 10:00 am local time.

Celia Hart came from a family of veteran Cuban revolutionaries who fought against the Batista dictatorship together with Fidel Castro. Celia Hart has been an outspoken defender of the political and revolutionary heritage of Leon Trotsky. Her articles on this subject, which have been published by the Spanish Marxist website El Militante and also on provoked an intense debate on the question of Trotsky both in Cuba and internationally.

Celia Hart was born in January 1962, just a few months after the Cuban missile crisis. Her mother, Haydée Santamaría, ("the most extraordinary person I have ever known") was a revolutionary from the very early days, and participated together with Fidel Castro in the famous storming of the Moncada barracks, where she lost both her brother and her boyfriend.

Armando Hart, her father, began his political activities by a different route: In the dark days of the Batista dictatorship, when, as a young lawyer, he commenced his political agitation and became a student leader in the University. He was a member of the National Revolutionary Movement (Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario) led by García Barcena, a university professor who opposed Batista and was imprisoned even before the assault on the Moncada barracks.

Armando Hart and Haydée Santamaría were dedicated to the revolutionary cause and fought together with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. When Batista was finally overthrown, Armando was made the first Minister of Education of the Revolution and Haydée Santamaría was made President of the Casa de las Américas (the House of the Americas), which she in effect founded.

Haydée was always opposed to ‘sovietization' - that is to the attempt to impose rigid Stalinist bureaucracy and dogmatic thought and methodology on Cuba. In Casa de las Américas there was no room for either dogmatism or so-called socialist realism. She ran it together with a real galaxy of talent: Benedetti, Galich, Mariano Rodríguez and others. Tragically, she committed suicide in 1980. For his part, Armando Hart had a brilliant intellectual career, and at the present time, after more than twenty years as Cuban Minister of Culture, is in charge of the Oficina del Programa Martiano.

In Celia's own words: "I therefore grew up in the eye of the hurricane, between the tremendous passion of my mother and the intelligence and devotion to study of my father - both of them firmly inserted in the political life of Cuba." In 1980, one month before her mother's suicide, Celia decided to study physics in Havana University. Two years later she was sent to finish her studies in the University of Dresden in the German Democratic Republic.

Celia continued my studies until graduating in 1987 - the first foreign female to graduate in this Faculty. She then returned to Havana, where she worked until one year ago in the University, publishing approximately 15 specialist works on magnetism and superconductivity. She also participated in about half a dozen congresses in Italy, Brazil and Argentina.

Talking about this period in her life, Celia told me:

"In 2004 I was supposed to have finished my Doctorate in Physics, but as I was putting the final touches to a work on Philosophy, as part of my Doctorate I realized that my great love for physics was not an end in itself, but only a means to an end."

She continued:

"During my stay in the German Democratic Republic, I realized that there was a contradiction between the inevitability of Socialism to fight for a better world and the bureaucracy, the suffocating of all initiative and the apathy that I found in that country, in spite of the good living conditions. I was repelled by the excessive images of Honecker that one found in every shop window."

In this way, slowly but surely, the ground was being prepared for Celia's transition to Trotskyism, which she described in the following words:

"In 1985 I returned to Cuba on holidays and confessed to my father my feelings of utter desperation. In response, my father opened a cupboard and got out four books: the three-volume Life of Trotsky by Isaac Deutscher and Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed. I devoured these books, but until a few months ago had no opportunity of reading the rest of Trotsky's works."

"From that time," continues Celia, "everything began to fall into place like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I understood how the Russian Revolution - and not only the Russian Revolution - had been betrayed and millions of comrades had been deceived."

However, none of Celia's works were published in Cuba, except a prologue to a book written by her mother entitled Haydée Speaks about the Moncada (Haydée habla del Moncada). Her writings were first published in the website of El Militante and (see The Flag over Coyoacán) and the Spanish magazine Marxismo Hoy. Later we published a book of her writings in Spanish with the title Apuntos Revolucionarios (Revolutionary Notes), which was introduced to the public in Spain and Cuba by the Frederick Engels Foundation.

It was the comrades of the IMT who first contacted Celia Hart and gave her the opportunity to enter into contact with international Trotskyism. She attended our world congress in 2004 and had intensive discussions with the leading comrades. Shortly afterwards she wrote:

"I have just returned after attending the International Conference of the Marxist tendency. It was a very important experience for me. I met some marvellous comrades from Pakistan, Israel, Spain, the United States... And I see that I am not alone, that the same ideas I defend are spreading all over the world. These are the ideas of the future. I thank all the comrades for the happiest summer of my life.

"A new and exciting chapter is opening for me. It is a very strange feeling. Less than a year ago I was a researcher in Physics in the University of Havana. Now I do not know what the future holds. But I do understand that science, and the scientific method, is the best method with which to carry out this passionate revolutionary struggle."

Since then Celia has been in regular contact with the IMT and has spoken at our meetings in various countries. In February of this year she spoke at the first public book launch in Cuba of Trotsky's Revolution Betrayed, organized by the Frederick Engels Foundation with more than 100 people present at the Havana Book Fair.

Celia Hart was always very passionate about her ideas and the struggle for socialism. We had many discussions with her, often ending in agreement, sometimes not, but in all our dealings with her, there was always a warm sense of comradeship and friendship and she always spoke very warmly about El Militante and the IMT.

Most recently she spoke at a very successful meeting of 200 people in Montreal on 28 May this year, which we jointly organized. The next day there was a meeting on the Permanent Revolution organized by the IMT at which she also spoke. As far as I know this was the last public meeting she ever spoke at, although we had planned to invite her to speak at the launch of my new book Reformism or Revolution at the Havana Book fair next February.

Unfortunately, this was not to be. A cruel accident has robbed us of a valuable and much-loved friend and comrade. But her memory lives on in the hearts and minds of those of us who knew her. And above all, the ideas we defended together live on and grow stronger by the day. That is the best memorial Celia Hart would have desired.

Farewell, comrade Celia! We shall continue the struggle!

Hasta la Victoria Siempre!

Alan Woods, London, September 8th

Today we sent the following message to Cuba:

"Dear Graciela,

We have just received the tragic news of the death of Celia and Abel. We had the privilege to meet Celia and share our ideas with her, both in Cuba and in Spain and elsewhere in Europe. We spent long hours in conversation and discussion. We send our sincerest condolences to her relatives, friends and comrades and especially her father Armando Hart and her sons Julian and Jose Ernesto.

It is difficult to find words to describe what we feel at this tragic moment. We pledge ourselves to continue the struggle for the socialist future of humanity in which Celia believed so passionately.

We would like you to convey this message to Armando Hart and to Celia's children.

Warmest greetings,

Alan Woods, Jordi Martorell and all comrades of the International Marxist Tendency and the Frederick Engels Foundation."

Sunday, September 07, 2008



Η Ολυμπιάδα του Πεκίνου ανήκει ήδη στο παρελθόν. Ωστόσο θα μείνει για πάντα χαραγμένη στη μνήμη του ελληνικού λαού. Αιτία αυτής της ιδιαίτερης εντύπωσης που προκάλεσαν οι αγώνες δεν βρίσκεται στα όποια αποτελέσματα βγήκαν από την διεξαγωγή των διαφόρων αθλημάτων ή από τα όποια ρεκόρ σημειώθηκαν.

Όλα αυτά πέρασαν σε δεύτερη μοίρα μπροστά στον πρωτοφανή διωγμό που δέχτηκαν οι Έλληνες αθλητές πριν, κατά την διάρκεια, αλλά και μετά το τέλος των αγώνων. Ένα πραγματικό πογκρόμ! Σαν πρόβατα επί σφαγή, νέοι άνθρωποι που δεν αποτελούν δα και τα χειρότερα δείγματα αυτής της χώρας (το αντίθετο θα λέγαμε) δέχτηκαν και δέχονται εντελώς απροστάτευτοι ένα πρωτοφανή δημόσιο λιθοβολισμό, ενώ στην ημερήσια διάταξη βρίσκονται και ποινικές διώξεις!...
Η επίσημη πολιτεία σιωπά, ενώ την ίδια στιγμή κατευθύνει με νοήματα τους διώχτες! Τα κόμματα της αντιπολίτευσης αν δεν σιωπούν επίσης κραυγαλέα, κάνουν πλάτες στην επίσημη πολιτεία…

Κάτι συμβαίνει εδώ. Γιατί νέοι άνθρωποι -γύρω απ’ τους οποίους πριν μερικά χρόνια οι σημερινοί διώχτες τους τσαλαπατιόντουσαν να φωτογραφηθούν μαζί τους- δίνονται τώρα βορρά στη δημοσιογραφική αλητεία και όχι μόνο; Γιατί πάρθηκε απόφαση να κοπούν μαχαίρι τα όποια δικαιώματα δίνονταν μέχρι σήμερα στους ολυμπιονίκες; Ποιος νέος θ’ αφιερώσει, από δω και πέρα, τα καλύτερα του χρόνια σε κάποιο ατομικό άθλημα και γιατί να το κάνει; Μήπως αυτός είναι ο στόχος των εδώ σφουγκοκολάριων της νέας τάξης; Να μην υπάρχουν πλέον Έλληνες αθλητές σε επίπεδο διεκδίκησης Ολυμπιακού μετάλλιου;


Ξαφνικά και λίγο πριν από την Ολυμπιάδα της Αθήνας συστάθηκε απ’ τη ΔΟΕ μια ανεξάρτητη υποτίθεται θεσμική Αρχή αθλητιατρικής, η περίφημη Γουάντα (WADA). Σκοπός τής σύστασης της ο πόλεμος κατά του Ντόπιγκ.

Ωστόσο η Ολυμπιάδα του 2004 έδειξε ότι οι σκοποί και οι επιδιώξεις του νέου αυτού «οργάνου» δεν ήταν και τόσο ανιδιοτελείς και ευγενικοί. Ο ίδιος ο Φίλ. Συρίγος έγραψε ότι η αμερικάνικη ομάδα μπάσκετ, είχε θέσει όρο στη ΔΟΕ (κι έτσι στη Γουάντα) να μη περάσουν ποτέ οι παίκτες της από αντι-ντόπιγκ καντρόλ! Το αίτημα ή μάλλον ο όρος έγινε δεκτός! Ο καθένας καταλαβαίνει ότι τέτοιοι όροι δεν μπορεί να περιορίζονται στο μπάσκετ αλλά έχουν γίνει δεκτοί στα παρασκήνια και για άλλα αθλήματα. Στην Ολυμπιάδα της Αθήνας οι Αμερικάνοι αθλητές μέχρι την έναρξη των αγώνων κρύβονταν κυριολεκτικά στη βάση της Σούδας.

Πρόεδρος της Γουάντα είναι ο «αξιότιμος» κύριος Πάουντ, νομικός σύμβουλος της αμερικάνικης φαρμακοβιομηχανίας Μπάλκο που παρασκευάζει τις ντόπες! Ανάθεσαν στον λύκο να φυλάει τα πρόβατα… Είναι προφανές ότι η Γουάντα συστάθηκε για να τιμωρεί επιλεκτικά όποιους αθλητές θέλουν να βγάλουν απ’ την μέση οι Αμερικάνοι. Οι πρώτοι που μπήκαν στο στόχαστρο από την ελληνική ομάδα ήταν ο Κεντέρης και η Θάνου. Ιδιαίτερα ο πρώτος ήταν για τους Αμερικάνους το κόκκινο πανί. Είχε το 2000 ντροπιάσει την υπερδύναμη σ’ ένα αγώνισμα που δεν είχε χάσει ποτέ στο παρελθόν. Μια ολόκληρη μεθόδευση με μπερδεμένες πληροφορίες που έφθαναν στους αθλητές ως προς τον χρόνο προσέλευσης τους για έλεγχο, κατέληξαν σε ένα περίεργο ατύχημα. Ένα ατύχημα για το οποίο ο «φλογερός εραστής» του γνήσιου αθλητισμού Φιλ. Συρίγος είχε καυχηθεί τότε ότι «γνώριζα πριν μια ώρα ότι θα συνέβαινε». Κανείς δεν τον ρώτησε πως και από πού το γνώριζε. Αλήθεια ποιοι υποσχέθηκαν σ’ αυτά τα παιδιά ότι θα καθάριζαν με ένα τέτοιο «ατύχημα» και μετά τα άφησαν εκτεθειμένα;

Το μένος (ασίγαστο μίσος και εμπάθεια, θα λέγαμε) κατά της Θάνου συνεχίστηκε και φέτος. Χωρίς την παραμικρή δικαιολογία την απέκλεισαν απ’ την συμμετοχή στους αγώνες! Γιατί έτσι το ήθελαν ο Πάουντ και οι Αμερικάνοι…


Ωστόσο η μεγάλη σφαγή των Ελλήνων αθλητών έγινε στη φετεινή Ολυμπιάδα του Πεκίνου. Ένας πραγματικά λυσσαλέος και απηνής διωγμός που όμοιός του δεν υπήρξε ποτέ στο παρελθόν σε αθλητές καμιάς άλλης χώρας. Οι αθλητές που υπήρχε περίπτωση να διεκδικήσουν κάποια διάκριση κυριολεκτικά στοχοποιήθηκαν. Η αρχή έγινε με την ομάδα της άρσης βαρών. Την εξαφάνισαν στο σύνολο της. Ακολούθησε ο αθλητής τής κολύμβησης Δρυμονάκος ο οποίος είχε κερδίσει πρόσφατα το χρυσό στους Πανευρωπαϊκούς. Ο Ρέγας των 400 μ. στον στίβο. Όλοι εξολοθρεύτηκαν πολύ πριν προλάβουν να ταξιδέψουν για το Πεκίνο.

Κατά την διάρκεια των αγώνων το …μενού περιλάμβανε κι έναν αδυσώπητο καθημερινό ψυχολογικό (και όχι μόνο) πόλεμο. Τον Μάρα της ενόργανης γυμναστικής τον ξύπνησαν νύχτα 4-5 φορές την παραμονή των αγώνων για να του πάρουν ούρα και αίμα. Αποτέλεσμα; Ο αθλητής που θεωρείτο «φαβορί» του αγωνίσματος έπεσε απ’ το μονόζυγο την επόμενη μέρα. Την Δεβερτζή την περίμεναν στο αεροδρόμιο και με το που πάτησε το πόδι της στο έδαφος την πήραν σχεδόν σηκωτή για έλεγχο… Την Τζουμελέκα την πήραν για τον ίδιο λόγο απ’ την αφετηρία(!) των 20.000 μ. βάδην. Λίγα λεπτά πριν δοθεί η εκκίνηση!..

Η περίπτωση της Φανής Χαλκιά αποτελεί ξεχωριστό κεφάλαιο. Η κοπέλα χωρίς καν να το γνωρίζει είχε ανοίξει λογαριασμούς με τους νεοταξίτες από το 2004. Πρώτα έκανε το «λάθος» να πάρει χρυσό μετάλλιο. Δεύτερο και κυριότερο «ατόπημα» της, που έθιξε καίρια τα ιερά και τα όσια της ντόπιας δημοσιογραφικής αλητείας, ήταν η δήλωση που είχε κάνει αμέσως μετά τη νίκη της, ότι «Οι Έλληνες είναι γεννημένοι νικητές».

Αυτό θεωρήθηκε «εθνικιστικό παραλήρημα». Αν δηλαδή έλεγε ότι οι Έλληνες είναι γεννημένοι καρπαζοεισπράκτορες θα ήταν προοδευτική και διεθνίστρια! Θρασύδειλα κολοφασισταριά. Βρισκόμαστε ήδη με το κεφάλι στον ντορβά της νέας τάξης, κι εσάς σας πείραξε η αυθόρμητη δήλωση μιας νεαρής κοπέλας που μόλις είχε δώσει χαρά σε εκατομμύρια συμπατριώτες της…
Της την είχαν στημένη από παντού. Ακόμα και η ίδια η Ομοσπονδία της. Γι’ αυτό και την έστειλαν στο Πεκίνο, ενώ διαπιστωμένα δεν ήταν σε καλή αγωνιστική κατάσταση. Δεν είχε πιάσει καν το όριο συμμετοχής. Την έστειλαν στο Πεκίνο μόνο για να την εκδικηθούν. Να την εξευτελίσουν και να την ταπεινώσουν. Γι’ αυτό κι ενώ ο υποτιθέμενος ιατρικός έλεγχος είχε γίνει αρκετό καιρό πριν την έβαλαν να ταξιδέψει μόνο για να τις ανακοινώσουν τον αποκλεισμό της την παραμονή του αγώνα και να την αποπέμψουν απ’ το «ολυμπιακό χωριό!


Τα εδώ εγγαστρίμυθα της αμερικάνικης πρεσβείας αναρωτιούνται ειρωνικά: «Μα καλά όλοι κάνουν σκευωρίες εναντίον μας;». Τσι, τσι, τσι. Κάπως έτσι αναρωτιόντουσαν και για τους Σέρβους στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 90, όταν τα πρώτα σύννεφα είχαν αρχίσει να σκεπάζουν την γειτονική χώρα. Προσπαθούσαν να συγκαλύψουν τα σχέδια του αφεντικού των αφεντικών τους. Προσποιούνταν τους ψύχραιμους. Αυτούς που ξέρουν. Και δεν ασχολούνται με «σενάρια»… Μέχρι που ήλθε η καταιγίδα. Σήμερα που η Σερβία τείνει να έχει έκταση επαρχιακού νομού, έστρεψαν το βλέμμα τους αλλού. Η αποστολή τους εκεί είχε τελειώσει… Κατά σύμπτωση οι Σέρβοι, πριν αλλά μετά τον πόλεμο, είχαν αντιμετωπίσει και αντιμετωπίζουν ακόμα το ίδιο κυνήγι στον αθλητισμό.

Στο Πεκίνο ο εμφανιζόμενος σαν υπεραθλητής Αμερικάνος κολυμβητής Φέλπς (αυτός που δεν ντοπάρεται καθόλου γιατί η διατροφή που κάνει του δίνει 13.000 θερμίδες την ημέρα!) τερμάτισε μια «απλωτή» πίσω απ’ τον Σέρβο αλλά πρώτος αναδείχτηκε σκανδαλωδώς ο Αμερικάνος!

Μετά την Σερβία, η Ελλάδα έχει πάρει σειρά στη νέο-φασιστική λίστα της Νέας Τάξης. Θράκη - Μακεδονία - Θεσπρωτία είναι το τριπλό μέτωπο που ετοιμάζεται για την εδαφική της συρρίκνωση. Αυτό το έχουν αντιληφθεί πλέον και τα μικρά παιδιά.
Μια χώρα εναντίον τής οποίας έχει σχεδιαστεί τέτοιας έκτασης επίθεση «απαγορεύεται» να έχει επιτυχίες σε οποιονδήποτε τομέα. Δεν πρέπει να έχει ξεχωριστή ιστορική παράδοση, να παράγει πολιτισμό ή και αθλητισμό. Η εικόνα της πρέπει να είναι εικόνα χώρας απόβλητης. Κράτος «παρίας». Αυτοί που κινούν τα νήματα θα της επιτρέψουν να παράγει μόνο αδελφές και …Καλομοίρες. Δεν είναι τυχαίο άλλωστε που τα γιουσουφάκια της δημοσιογραφίας δεν βρήκαν τίποτε το μεμπτό σε ένα κακομαθημένο παρλιακό που το έχουν επιβάλει με το «έτσι θέλω» τα κανάλια. Εναντίον της Χαλκιά και της Θάνου όμως, θα συνεχίσουν να χύνουν τη χολή τους για πολύ καιρό ακόμα.


Η πολιτική λοιπόν δεν υπεισέρχεται απλώς στον αθλητισμό αλλά αυτοί που κινούν τα νήματα σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, δηλαδή οι Αμερικάνοι, τον κατευθύνουν κι όλας ανάλογα με τις εκάστοτε ορέξεις και ανάγκες τους.
Δεν είναι απαραίτητο να ενεργούν αυτοπροσώπως σε κάθε χώρα. Διαθέτουν δίκτυα λακέδων παντού. Ανθρωπάκια λιλιπούτειου έως ανύπαρκτου ηθικού αναστήματος που ανά πάσα στιγμή είναι πρόθυμα να κάνουν ή να γράψουν οτιδήποτε ικανοποιεί τους πέραν του Ατλαντικού αφεντάδες.

Δεν σχετίζεται η πολιτική με τον αθλητισμό; Κι όμως. Ψάξτε όλους όσους βρίζουν και προπηλακίζουν αυτή την στιγμή τους Έλληνες αθλητές, όλοι έχουν κοινές θέσεις στα βασικά πολιτικά ζητήματα που απασχολούν τη χώρα. Υπέρ του αμερικανόπνευστου σχεδίου Ανάν για την Κύπρο, υπέρ της αέναης λαθρομετανάστευσης, δωσίλογοι στα εθνικά ζητήματα, και στην συγκεκριμένη στιγμή (με αναδρομικό αντικομουνιστικό πάθος) πνέουν μένεα κατά του ρωσικού «ιμπεριαλισμού», που δεν επιτρέπει στον αμερικανοτραφή τζογαδόρο Σακασβίλη να κάνει την Γεωργία αμερικάνικο πολεμικό ορμητήριο στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα.

Και τολμούν αυτοί οι γυμνοσάλιαγκες να βρίζουν τους Έλληνες αθλητές, να τους αποκαλούν απατεώνες, πρωταθλητές της ντόπας.
Ποιος σοβαρός και τίμιος άνθρωπος μπορεί να πάρει τοις μετρητοίς ελέγχους που εκτελούνται απ’ το αναξιόπιστο οργανέτο των Αμερικάνων που λέγεται Γουάντα; Εμπιστοσύνη σε λαμόγια τύπου Πάουντ και Ρογκ μπορεί να δίνουν μόνο ανάλογου μεγέθους ελληνικά λαμόγια.

Ωστόσο κι αν ακόμα οι Έλληνες αθλητές βρέθηκαν πραγματικά ντοπαρισμένοι, οι υπόλοιποι των άλλων χωρών, ειδικά των μεγάλων και κυρίως οι αθλητές των ΗΠΑ τι είναι; Καθαροί; Ας τολμήσουν τα αργυρώνητα παπαγαλάκια των Μέσων να βγουν και να το ισχυριστούν αυτό ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ. Θα γελάσει και το παρδαλό κατσίκι και θα φανεί καθαρά η αλητεία τους. Αυτό που τους ενδιαφέρει δεν είναι η εξυγίανση τους αθλητισμού αλλά να μην υπάρχουν ίσοι όροι για τους Έλληνες αθλητές στις διεθνείς διοργανώσεις.

Ο αθλητισμός στον σύγχρονο κόσμο είναι εμπόριο. Χρηματιστήριο. Οι πολυεθνικές εταιρίες και οι τράπεζες χορηγούν μεμονωμένους αθλητές, ομάδες, αλλά συχνά και ομίλους ομάδων, που εδρεύουν και σε διαφορετικές χώρες. Οι πρόεδροι των σωματίων είναι άνθρωποι του διεθνούς κεφαλαίου. Το τελευταίο που τους ενδιαφέρει είναι ο αθλητισμός και η πρόοδος του. Τα εντυπωσιακά ρεκόρ είναι πέρα απ’ τις δυνατότητες του ανθρώπινου σώματος, όσο σκληρά και σωστά κι αν είναι προετοιμασμένος ο αθλητής. Τα ρεκόρ αυτά παρασκευάζονται μέσα στα χημικά εργαστήρια τα οποία είναι συνδεδεμένα (κι ας μη φανεί υπερβολή αυτό) με τους τωρινούς ταρτούφους που υποκρίνονται ότι θέλουν να καθαρίσουν τον αθλητισμό απ’ την ντόπα.

Το να ζητά κανείς καθαρό αθλητισμό στην εποχή της παρακμής και σήψης των σύγχρονων καπιταλιστικών κοινωνιών είναι σα να επιχειρεί την συγγραφή μακροσκελούς κειμένου πάνω σε χαρτάκια από χαρτοπόλεμο…

Λέμε στους ποικιλόνημους «πολέμιους της ντόπας: Θέλετε καθαρούς αθλητικούς αγώνες; Πάψτε να συμμετέχετε σ’ αυτό το γιουροβιζιονικό κατασκεύασμα των πολυεθνικών. Σταματήστε να τους δίνεται την φλόγα από την αρχαία Ολυμπία. Απαγορέψτε να χρησιμοποιούν το όνομα της για τους αγώνες. Κόψτε κάθε σχέση με την διεθνή αλητεία της λεγόμενης παγκόσμιας αθλητικής οικογένειας. Μετά συζητάμε τι αθλητισμό θέλουμε.

Δεν μπορείτε να το κάνετε; Τότε βγάλτε τον σκασμό, γιατί με την δυσωδία που εκπέμπετε μολύνετε το περιβάλλον.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Αγγλοι Τραπεζιτες & Ανθρωποι του Σορος σε Ποστα στην Γεωργια

Αγγλοι Τραπεζιτες & Ανθρωποι του Σορος σε Ποστα στην Γεωργια

ΔημοσίευσηΑπό vngelis στις: Σάβ 06 Σεπ, 2008 11:46 pm ... ooges.html

British and Soros Stooges
in the Georgia Regime

Aug. 11, 2008 (EIRNS)—The following press release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.

Ongoing research has thus far identified the following British and Soros stooges in the current government of Georgia:

1) Prime Minister: Vladimir "Lado" Gurgenidze

A British empire banker, citizen of the United Kingdom.

Born 1970, Tbilisi, Georgia. Beginning in 1997 he worked for the Anglo-Dutch giant bank ABN Amro, living in London 1998-2003. From 1997-1998 he directed the bank's corporate finance operations in Russia and neighboring countries. Among the ABN AMRO conquests was its "twinning project" ensnaring the Bank of Georgia, which had been privatized in 1994-95. From 1998-2000 Grugenidze was ABN AMRO's Director and Head of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Emerging European Markets.

After the 2003 Soros "Rose Revolution" he returned to Georgia and was chief executive (2004-2006) for the Bank of Georgia, in line with the joint UNDP-Soros structural/financial reorganization program for the country ("capacity-building"). Gurgenidze brought in a management team from ABN AMRO and other British-connected banks.

Gurgenidze was appointed Prime Minister and head of the government in November 2007.

2) Head of the National Security Council: Alexander Lomaia

A longtime top executive of George Soros operatons in Georgia, now overseeing the country's military operations.

In 2003-2004, Lomaia was Executive Director of the Open Society Georgia Foundation (Soros Foundation). He "directed the foundation's operational grantmaking and administrative activities, and fulfillment of its annual overall budget of more than $2,500.000. Supervised the staff of up to 50 program, finance, and administrative employees."

In 2003-2004, Lomaia was regional director for the former Soviet Union for the Open Society institute's "Democracy Coalition Project". He "facilitated NGO coalition-building in the newly independent countries of the former Soviet Union to promote an activist democratic reform agenda.... The project facilitated the creation of an international federation of the national coalitions which collectively pursued ... democratic reforms on the international stage."

3) Chairman, Georgia Parliament Committee for Eurointegration: David Darchiashvili

Former Executive Director, Open Society Georgia Foundation.

Darchiashvili has worked for the Soros-dominated NGO networks since 1992, primarily in the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, a "partner institution" to the Soros Open Society Institute (among its achievements were publishing a Georgian translaton of neoconservatve Francis Fukuyama's " "The End of the History and the Last Man").

Darchiashvili was executive director of the Open Society Georgia Foundation in the period (approximately) 2006-2007, apparently succeeding now-prime minister Gurgenidze as head of Soros operations in Georgia. In his present position he coordinates the Parliamentary institutions in Georgia with the British/Soros plans for the European Union, in conjunction with such channels as the Soros "European Council on Foreign Relations."

Friday, September 05, 2008

Ο Πολεμος Ρωσιας Γεωργιας- Και η θεση της Αριστερας

Δηλωση Ουκρανων Τροτσκιστων που πιστευουν οτι η παλινορθωση ακομα στην πρωην ΕΣΣΔ δεν εχει νικηση.

On the Russian-Georgian war and the positions of the left

4 September, 2008

1. Today in the news, the BBC said that the USA helps Georgia as they defend the oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. This is a lie. Behind this veil (similar to the claim the U.S. made about its radar and missiles in Easter Europe aimed against Iran) stands a real goal of the action: death to Russia, destruction of this state.

2. The USA provoked Georgia to start war with Russia in order to increase pressure on Russia. There were 2 possibilities: either Russia will not support the South Osetia, or it will support. In either case, the USA wins. If Russia did not stand up for South Osetia, it would mean admitting its weakness. If Russia did stand up for South Osetia, it means increasing US military presence in Georgia and in the region of the Black Sea.

3. It is curious that most of the "left" seems to think that this is a war "for the pipeline". For example, this is the version accepted by the Marxist Group for the Workers' Action (in Russia), the Organization of Marxists (in Ukraine), the Greek Communist Party, etc. A refutation of this thesis is in the BBC news reports which said that Russia shells fell within "15 meters" of the pipeline. We can be sure that if Russia wanted to destroy the pipeline, it has the modern capabilities to do so. The British news company lies, and the "left" sing along. 4. The main thing is that the events have shown that no left organization is able to apply a historical analysis towards understanding the causes of this war. Any decent doctor (and not a quack), before taking up the business of curing a patient, conducts a battery of tests, attempts to make a correct diagnosis. However, for society, apparently, there is no need to follow the same procedure. There are answers ready made - in the brains of our "left". They repeat their mantra about a "regional imperialism" which has collided with "world imperialism", but this analysis is not worth very much. 5. I recommend you start by looking at Wikipedia. For example, "South Ossetia":

We read that the region has declared its independence from Georgia on 19 January 1992. That means that the causes for the war go back to the period of the break up of the USSR. In other words: the same causes which have led to the USSR to break up into constituent republics have led to the South Ossetia to declare its independence from Georgia. They have a reason: if Georgia can separate from the USSR, then why can't we, in South Ossetia, do the same thing vis-a-vis Georgia? This logic we have seen in Yugoslavia, in particular in war with Bosnia: a part of the territory, populated by Serbs, did not want to separate from Yugoslavia (read Serbia).

6. What is the reason for the break up of the USSR? Stalinist dogmatics (among whom we find V. Shapinov of the "Organization of Marxists", Ukraine) mumble about the betrayal of top leadership of the country and world Zionism. "Let the dead bury their dead". In Wikipedia (in Russian) we find following: "a desire of a part of political and industrial elite to steal parts of the state property, or, to use the language of the adherents of this theory, "to steal the best pieces of state property in the situation of disintegration of the state". In other words, the cause of the break up of the USSR is a struggle between regional elites for power and property: "to steal more and run away as far as possible", in the words of (Ukrainian politician) Julia Tymoshenko. She has even coined a word which expresses the gist of our politics: styrit', which is a slang used by muggers to mean "a hold-up".

7. And so the cause for the break up of the USSR is transferring the country to capitalist path of development. It is this which causes the break up of the larger entities into smaller parts. A switch from one social-economic formation to another is possible only as a result of a civil war. Neither Russia nor Georgia have not passed the threshold yet. The sate apparatus remains the same as it was in the times of the USSR, in unimportant changes of uniform. For example, who will deny that Russia and Georgian armies are part and parcel of the former Soviet army? The leadership is the same, the organization is the same, and even the troubles are the same (they just deteriorated, as "dedovshchina", i.e. slavery of the younger soldiers to the older ones). All that means that the real imperialist - the USA - attempts to collide with each other two non-capitalist countries, two transitional states, in order to destroy both, and all of us, the left. Meanwhile, shall we sit here peacefully, repeating the mantra of "war for the oil pipeline" (while they aim farther)?

8. Restoration has not yet triumphed - neither in Russia (although Putin makes a point of prices being dictated by "market" and not "administration"), nor in Georgia, nor in any other republics of the former USSR!

Comrades! Let's everything possible to make sure that the Restoration will not triumph!

Down with the criminal regimes of Putin-Saakashvili! For a political revolution in the former USSR!

Turn the World War Three into a World Socialist Revolution!

Fractal Vortex

О русско-грузинской войне и позиции "левых"

4 Сентября, 2008

1. Сегодня в новостях Би-Би-Си было сообщение, что США помогают Грузии так как защищают нефтепровод Баку-Тбилиси-Джейхан. Это ложь. За этой занавеской (подобной той, которую США вывешивали, когда объявили о своей ПРО в Европе, якобы против Ирана, на что Путин почти повелся, предложив русский радар в Азербайджане) кроется истинная цель этой акции: смерть России, разрушение этого государства.

2. Грузинская война была спровоцирована США для того, чтобы усилить давление на Россию (аналогично тому, как Украина усилила давление на Россию в Севастополе). Было 2 возможности: либо Россию не поддержит Южную Осетию, либо поддержит. В любом случае, США выигрывает. Сдача Россией Южной Осетии означала бы признание слабости. Отпор России означает усиление военного присутствия США в Грузии, на Черном море.

3. Любопытно то, что так называемые "левые" целиком проглотили тезис о том, что это война "из-за нефтепровода". К примеру, под такой версией войны подписывается МГРД (Марксистская Группа Рабочее Действие в России), ОМ (Организация Марксистов на Украине), Греческая Коммунистическая Партия, и др. Опровержением этой версии являются хотя бы те же воронки, "в 15 метрах от нефтепровода", по заявлению Би-Би-Си. Можно быть уверенным, что если бы Россия хотела уничтожить этот нефтепровод, то современные средства позволили бы ей это сделать. Опять Би-Би-Си врет, а "левые" распевают это. 4. Главное заключается в том, что никакая левая организация не показала, что способна применить исторический анализ к пониманию причин этой войны. Ведь любой врач, прежде чем приняться за лечение, проводит анализы пациента, пытается поставить диагноз. Но для социума, как видно, в этом нужды нет. Ответы есть заранее - в головах наших "левых". Можно пиздеть о "региональном империализме" который столкнулся с "мировым империализмом", но это дешевая песенка вызубренная десятки лет назад. 5. Для начала, рекомендую обратиться к Википедии. Наберите "Южная Осетия":

Читаем: Независимость (от Грузии) 19 января 1992 г. Это значит, что причины войны уходят в период распада СССР. Другими словами: та же причина, по которой СССР распался на союзные республики и повлияла на отпадение Южной Осетии от Грузии. Логика железная: если Грузия может отделиться от СССР, то почему мы, Ю.О., не можем сделать то же самое по отношению к Грузии? Эту логику мы уже видели в Югославии, в частности во время войны в Боснии, где часть территории заселена сербами, а те не хотели отделяться от Югославии (читай: Сербии).

6. В чем же причина распада СССР? Сталинские дедушки, замшелые как мох (среди таких вращался например В. Шапинов в годы своего учительства), кричат о предательстве высшего руководства и мировом сионизме. "Пусть мертвые выносят своих мертвых". В "Википедии" мы находим такую информацию: "Желание части политической и хозяйственной элиты разворовать страну по частям, выражаясь языком сторонников этой теории: "урвать лакомые куски собственности в обстановке анархии разваливающегося государства". Другими словами, причиной развала СССР является борьба за власть между региональными элитами: "урвать побольше, и отбежать подальше", выражаясь языком Юлии Тимошенко, одной из наших, украинских сявок. Именно ей принадлежит крылатое слово нашей политики "Стырить". В этом - суть.

7. Итак, причиной распада СССР можно назвать переход государства на капиталистические рельсы. Именно этот переход вызывает распад государства, а затем его отдельных частей. Переход из одной социально-экономической формации в другую возможен только в результате гражданской войны. Это значит, что пока ни Россия, ни Грузия еще не прошли этот рубеж. Государственный аппарат продолжает сохраняться тот же, что и был при СССР, с несущественными подмалевками. Например, кто будет отрицать, что российская и грузинская армия - плоть от плоти советской армии? Командование то же, машины те же, и порядки те же (дедовщина). Все это значит, что действительный империалист - США - пытается столкнуть между собой два не-капиталистических, два переходных государства, дабы уничтожить их обоих, и всех нас. А мы тут будем сидеть и как мудаки повторять слова о "войне за нефтепровод", когда они целятся дальше и больше?

8. Реставрация капитализма еще не победила - ни в России (хотя тот же Путин делает все возможное, чтобы цены были "рыночные", а не "административные"), ни в Грузии, ни в других республиках бывшего СССР.

Товарищи! Сделаем все возможное, чтобы эта реставрация не победила!

Долой преступные режимы Путина-Саакашвили! За политическую революцию в бывшем СССР!

Превратим третью мировую войну в мировую социалистическую революцию!

Фрактальный Вихрь